In 2021, Galaxy Games, previously known as Italian Games Factory, was honored with an Epic Mega Grant from Epic Games. This prestigious grant is part of Epic's $100 million initiative to support innovative projects utilizing Unreal Engine, the grant provides financial assistance to creative endeavors across various industries.
Receiving this grant not only validates Galaxy Games' commitment to excellence but also offers substantial resources to advance our projects, positioning us for greater success and recognition in the global gaming industry.
In 2022 Galaxy Games was awarded with the Forbes Blockchain Award for the best upcoming crypto and NFT project at the Blockchain Week Rome.
This event is a significant gathering in Italy (core team home), dedicated to blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralization.
The Forbes Blockchain Award recognizes outstanding contributions and innovations in the blockchain sector and shows our pioneering efforts in integrating blockchain and NFT technologies into gaming, enhancing our reputation and opening new avenues for collaboration and growth in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
These distinguished awards not only affirm our innovative approach but also elevate Galaxy Games' profile on the international stage, paving the way for future opportunities and success.